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anamorphosis and density maps

Started by scarface, March 31, 2013, 12:27 PM

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I've found a fews map showing countries with their population proportional to the urban areas.
These maps are called "population cartograms".
For Egypt you can barely recognize the country.


I hope you have found these maps interesting.
But I find this topic is a little empty.
I wanted to add maps of density, it's always interesting to see we are in a world where the population is very unevenly distributed.
I also searched some statistics related to gdp. For Europe it's quite easy but I tried to find some statistics about Egypt for example, to no avail, probably because I don't know the names of the local statistics institutes.
For example, for France, here is a chart listing the departments with their global gdp, and their gdp per capita: http://www.insee.fr/fr/themes/tableau.asp?reg_id=99&ref_id=t_2601D
I'd like to find similar charts for other countries (in English, preferably).


I'm going to put a few maps of density. Some people might discover their own country differently.

Let's begin with Palestine.

On this map, we can realize that the Gaza territory and the west of the West Bank are very populated whereas the region around the dead sea is mostly desert and uninhabited.

The USA:
For humbert, and for anyone who knows the US, this map has no secret.

We can see that the population is very dense in the North East, in the big lakes region, on the East of Florida, and on the West coast (with LA and SF). The inner country is more sparsely populated and mostly desert in the west, except Texas. Anyway, the US is a fragile country, because the population is essentially urban, only 2 or 3% of the population are working in the agricultural sector to feed the remaining 97%, and this organization requires a lot of oil to transport the food in the towns.

My window is closed but I heard some shouts in the street. France has scored vs Switzerland...


The data is 10 years old but I'd say it's pretty accurate.

I disagree with your assessment of the country being vulnerable. That 3% you mentioned produces massive amounts of food, enough for the domestic population with plenty left over for export. I've traveled to northern Missouri and, believe me, wheat and corn fields are so huge it's like the ocean -- you can't see where the field ends. The oligarchy that rules this country know perfectly that if they're to stay in power, food must remain cheap and plentiful.


The US is producing a lot of food with a mecanized agriculture, right. But the people dont live where the food is produced, Las Vegas is a good exemple, as it's a town in a desert. With an expensive oil, or without oil, the people will have the choice between starving or moving to the countryside. It's the same thing in a lot of countries. This problem has been dealt in the survivalist topic anyway. In the meantime there are american soldiers in Irak and in the middle East to monitor the pipelines, there is nothing to worry about.


Here is a map for Indonesia. iih might recognize his country.
We can see that the island of Java, with the capital Jakarta, is extremly populated (it's the most populated island in the world with 130 million people), while the island of kalimantan is nearly desert.
Few people know it, but Indonesia is the most populated muslim country in the world.


Here is a map of density for Greece. Im sure harkaz knows well this map. Im still wondering where he's leaving, I had inspected his ip and found he was in Crete but Im not sure.
We can see that the province of Attica and Crete are densely populated, while the mountains in the north are mostly desert.

Tonight I met my godfather and his daughter who has become a real goddess. On the way back, the subway was steeming with people. It's another symptom of overpopulation.

to gujjar: China has adopted a strict policy and the fertility rate has plunged unlike most muslim countries where there is no policy and perhaps no awereness amongst the population. Ask yourself how so many people are going to eat, have a job and a decent life if their countries is overpopulated. The food eaten by the neighbour is the food you dont have in your plate...unless you eat the neighbour!
Recenty, Ive read statistics about Saudi Arabia. 30 years ago, the average woman had 8 children.
Today, it's 3. It's also due to phisical factors, feeding 8 children today is nearly impossible except for the rich perhaps. But it's still too much. If we do a small calculation, (Ahmad knows I'm good at math), we understand that it involves an increase in the population by 50% for each generation. In the survivalist topic, I had posted a chart showing the predicament of the reindeer of the st matthew Island. In the nature, when a phenomenon is exponential, it's not long lasting.


Here we can see a map for the population density of Bangladesh, the black areas being the most densely populated areas, but in fact even the orange color areas are densely populated (more than 700 inhabitants per km²), it's a question of relativity

This country is extremely populated and today there are 160 million people in Bangladesh on a small territory. If we take an example, if the US was populated like Bangladesh, there would be 10 billion people in the US. Of course, such a population is a wealth for this country, but it involves housing problems, poverty, fast rate of urbanization and environmental issues.
In the coming years, the situation could become even more precarious for Bangladesh as there is still a rapid increase in the population.
Here we can see a train in a station in Dacca, the capital of the country, an agglomeration of 15 million people, which makes it the 9th agglomeration in the world.


As is always the case, populations are self-stabilizing. Once there are no resources to feed and meet the needs of all those people, the population automatically drops to a sustainable level. This happens in all species.

gujjar -> do you know if this business of ±8 children per married woman is because birth control is not permitted, or is that that these rich shieks have all those kids because they can afford them? Believe me, children are very costly.


Tonight I'm going to talk about Japan. Perhaps some of you don't know this country very well. This country, situated in Asia is very populated, and it's one of the richest countries in the world. But like countries of Europe, its population is more and more old, and it's suffering serious problems of debt. And it's important to understand that this country has no commodities, Japan has to import oil, coal, and electricity since the accident of fukushima. That's why the government has been obliged to print a lot of money not to go bankrupt. As a consequence, the yen has lost nearly 50% (vs $) since 2012 and therefore the price of oil has soared. I already talked about that in this post: http://www.nomaher.com/forum/index.php?topic=1028.msg12310#msg12310
Nevertheless, the richest region of the world, even if we have seen that the economy of Japan is not buoyant, is the region of kanto, which includes Tokyo, the biggest agglomeration of the world.
This map shows the gdp of each regions of Japan and compare them to other countries.

Shinjuku, the business area of Tokyo